Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Day 8

A steep, long hike out of the mountains. But we went through a few wonderful little towns...Molinaseca, Campo and are spending the night in Ponferrada. There is a beautiful castle here, a church dating back to the Templars,  and many 14th century bridges and buildings. We're not in Kansas anymore!


  1. Great pictures Brenda. Are you getting ready to take a day off from walking yet?

  2. If you see the Tin Man ask if he will carry your backpack for a while! Keep on sister! Hugs!

  3. Love the small towns. FYI, going to Roger's tonight to watch the Packers/Vikings game. We will hoist an Irish Whiskey in your honor. Brad

  4. Who wants to be in Kansas!! How lovely these towns look, and such history! Enjoy, I am living vicariously through your trip Bren!!! Look forward to your postings every day...
