Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Day 15 - Noah, send the ark!

This is day three of rain. The first day was a soft rain, quite nice for hiking. Yesterday was a wind-driven sideways rain that let loose when we were on top of a high ridge. Chilled to the bone cold. Today was a downpour,  almost relentless.  I walked 14 miles on slippery rocks and slick trails, but in a way it was nice. Its warmer down at these elevations, and once wet, the rain doesn't pose much of a problem. Off the trail now, had a hot shower, and waiting for my Michigan and Australian Camino friends to show up. We hunkered down at the same aubergue last night, and plan to do so tonight as well. 40 miles to Santiago!!


  1. Enjoy your day off today!! Stay warm and're getting so close!

  2. I can't believe how close you are to being done. You still sound like you are enjoying your adventure in spite of the rain.

  3. Hola chica. How many cafe con leiche's have you had this trip? LOL
    Sorry to hear you got hard rain. You've had it pretty good so far, so you had to get a few days for story telling...
    Buen Camino!

  4. Looks like there is rainbow in that photo of the road - what a beautiful view!
