Monday, October 6, 2014

Day 13 - Mercadoiro

Left Sarria this morning in sunshine, but it soon turned to a windy, rainy day. Which is a good thing. It's good to use the raingear you've carried halfway across Spain! Got off the trail early and gave our feet a well deserved rest. The rain kept coming harder. It was beautiful hiking on the cool, leaf-covered trails. Autumn has hit northern Spain.


  1. You look great!! Although, truth be told....from purely a fashion perspective....your orange coat clashes with your red pack cover. Wow, bet you didn't consider that! HA HA!! Love the pics of you on the trail. Who's horse? Any chance of a few miles on horseback?! Hi Ho Flicka?

  2. What Karla said....LOL Yeah, finally pictures of you! Looking good Camino Girl! You are so close now that I bet you can hear the church bells from Santiago!! Hugs! Buen Camino!! Miss you!
