Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Day 7 - Cruz de Ferro

Mi familia y amigos,
I left a rock inscribed for all of you at the base of the Cruz de Ferro this morning. It is in the company of thousands of other rocks, all of which are prayers of love, well wishes and thanks for our family and friends. You all deserve to be in this company of treasured people for eternity. It was an overwhelming experience to be there. And you were all there with me. Buen Camino. B.


  1. That is so cool Brenda. We are missing you. Love the pictures. Beautiful country.

  2. Beautiful sentiment Brenda! Looks like you had great weather. Keep on sister. Buen Camino.

  3. Well this entry brought me to tears......thank you BuuB! Love you....your goofy sister

  4. Thanks for sending the pictures...amazing sights! Miss you lots!

  5. So green! I love your photos Brenda! I am enjoying following your journey through your blog - cherish every second of your incredible adventure!

  6. These are such great photos. You are such an inspiration! I cannot wait to see your journey unfold! Take it all in and enjoy every minute!!
